Meet the Spellers: Charlotte Quinn

Introduce yourself! Where have audiences seen your work before and what's coming up next for you?

My name is Charlotte Quinn and I play Marcy Park! I've most recently found myself in the immersive theatre community and originated the role of Miya in Zotto: An Immersive Japanese Folktale, which ran for a year and continues to do performances at events. I've also started working on the producing side of theatre, which is really cool and different for me- I'm collaborating with some very inspiring artists and producers to create our next immersive show that will go up in October.

What is your favorite aspect of your role within the Spelling Bee team? What makes it unique?

I love that the role of Marcy allows me to, a lot of the times, just be present enough to observe what absolutely crazy things other people are doing onstage. She is definitely very strange herself and lets loose once in a while, but compared to the other kids, she holds it in more often. She also goes through a giant transition within the show, and it's really fun to emphasize her growth and the different sides of her.

What would you say to an audience member who's never seen this show before? Why should they join the pandemonium?

Uh this show is GOOFY. These characters are silly but also really real, making for some more solemn moments as well. Also, be ready for anything, especially if you sign up to be a audience speller. This show and the talented folks in it surprise me every day in the best ways, and I hope you enjoy it as much as we have.


Meet the Spellers: Grant Bowman


Meet the Spellers: Andrew Wilson Jr.